MASTERON - What it is, what it is for, benefits, side effects and how to take it

Masteron or Drostanolone Propionate is an exotic androgenic steroid, with an interesting history and possibility of different application. It was originally used as an anti-estrogen, but is now used to build muscle and improve athletic performance.
If you intend to use it, it is important that you are well informed. In this article, we will introduce you to Masteron's chemical structure and function, as well as all of its potential side effects.
What is Masteron?
Two forms of Masteron (Drostanolone):
Drostanolone propionate
Drostanolone enanthate
Benefits of using Masteron for bodybuilding
Drostanolone Side effects
Masteron dosage
Masteron cycle
Alternative options
What is Masteron?
Originally developed under the brand name Masteril, Masteron was used as an anti-estrogenic product. It has been used to benefit breast cancer and has been used in combination with other drugs that affect the anti-estrogen ncbl.
Nowadays, its use in this direction is less and less. Because of the way Masteron affects the hormonal systems in the body, it is a popular agent nowadays for athletes and bodybuilders.
Masteron is characterized as an antiestrogen due to its nature. It is derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and does not convert to estrogen in the body because it does not undergo aromatization (as this process is known). In the case of free testosterone - ie. one that is readily available for use by the body - is likely to aromatize into estrogen.
Masteron is known for its anti-estrogenic nature, which is due to its ability to inhibit the enzymes responsible for the aromatization of testosterone into estrogen. This can help maintain optimal levels of free testosterone in the body and prevent aromatization of other compounds or steroids known for their ability to convert to estrogen. It is believed that Masteron can interact directly with estrogen to limit its negative effects on the body.
Masteron (drostanolone) has two main forms that can be easily found. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages.
Drostanolone propionate
Drostanolone is a derivative of DHT with a methyl group added to the carbon 2 position and a carboxylic acid ester added to the 17beta hydroxyl group, and is sold under the name Masteron propionate. This is the original form of Masteron and is more widely used by humans. Masteron propionate is known for its anti-estrogenic and anabolic effects, but it is not as powerful as some of the other steroids on the market. However, it can be useful for increasing muscle mass while slowing down the body's metabolism. This means that the effect of Masteron propionate can last for a longer time compared to other steroids.
Drostanolone enanthate
Masteron enanthate is a longer ester of the Masteron molecule that provides a longer lasting effect compared to Masteron propionate. This means that Masteron enanthate dosing is less frequent, but larger doses may be required to achieve the desired results. In combination, Masteron enanthate can be combined with other steroids such as testosterone enanthate to enhance their effects. Regarding preferences, they can vary from person to person depending on personal goals and experience with steroids.
Benefits of using Masteron for bodybuilding
Masteron is a steroid that can be useful for bodybuilders and athletes looking for a way to improve their physique and achieve more effective results from their workouts. Here are some of the main benefits:
Muscle hardening and growth.
Although Masteron can help in this regard, it is not as powerful as some of the stronger steroids such as Trenbolone. However, this can be an advantage for those looking for smooth and more moderate results rather than risking more aggressive and powerful substances.
Improving stamina and energy.
Masteron can also help improve endurance and energy during workouts. This can help you train longer and more intensely, which can lead to faster and more effective results. It also accelerates the metabolism and increases the energy reserve.
Fat reduction.
Masteron is also known as a steroid that can help reduce body fat. This is a result of its ability to bind to estrogen receptors, thus limiting estrogen activity in the body and reducing water retention, which can often contribute to fat accumulation. Some people say that it is even more effective in losing weight than in gaining volume.
Drostanolone side effects
Masteron does not have as many side effects as some of the stronger steroids, but there are still a number of risks to taking it that must be taken into account. Because it has anti-estrogenic properties, there are fewer cases of many side effects than other anabolic steroids. For example, side effects such as gynecomastia, water retention, and significant increases in blood pressure are much less likely to occur with Masteron.
With longer use, however, some problems could occur, such as:
Hair loss - especially in people who are more prone to it
Loss of control in emotions, aggression
Testosterone Suppression – The body reduces its ability to naturally produce testosterone, and after stopping Masteron it may take weeks, even months to recover.
Injection infections - it is important that you are fully aware of how to inject a medicine correctly, otherwise you may be at risk of infection. It is extremely important that your needles are sterile. Masteron is best injected by a professional.
How exactly Masteron will affect an organism is difficult to say for sure, but it can be concluded that due to its anti-estrogen nature, the side effects are much less serious and significant, unlike another steroid like Trenbolone. Masteron is also less likely to cause things like roid gut.
Masteron dosage
In most cases, Masteron has two main forms in which it is used.
Drostanolone propionate is usually dosed in smaller amounts (from 50-150 mg/ml). This variant has a faster half-life, meaning the body uses, processes and excretes it more quickly. For this, at least once every two days you need to make a new injection.
Drostanolone enanthate is a slower acting option. Slightly higher doses are usually taken - from 200 mg/ml.
Masteron cycles
Different cycles can be applied when using Masteron, depending on the user's goals and experience with steroids. During the cycle, the dosage may be different for different users and may depend on their experience with steroids and accordingly what their tolerance is.
As with most drugs, if tolerance develops, your body will require more of it to have the same effect. If used for longer periods, dependence may occur and the body may need the drug to produce testosterone. To prevent this, cycling helps.
Even more important is what other drugs you combine Masteron with. Other steroids that are stronger and must be cycled more thoroughly to avoid developing addiction.
Here are some basic Masteron cycles:
Cycle for beginners. Masteron enanthate should be injected twice a week. You should take a total weekly amount of no more than 300 mg on a weekly basis if you are using Masteron propionate, and somewhere between 400 and 600 mg if you are using Masteron enanthate. You should avoid using them together for more than a month.
Intermediate cycle. If you use Masteron propionate at an average level it is recommended to inject it every other day and enanthate twice a week. Masteron propionate users should take around 500mg for a weekly maximum and enanthate users should use between 400mg and 600mg. Again, try to avoid using it for more than a month.
Alternative options
Although Masteron is a bit gentler than some other steroids, it does not come without potential risks and problems. If you think it's too intense for you, there are other alternatives that may be right for you. If you feel that Masteron is not strong enough for your needs, or if you are looking for a better steroid for weight loss, some of the following remedies may be of help to you:
Pine pollen can be defined as the best natural androgen due to the presence of natural free testosterone that can be absorbed directly into the bloodstream. This provides benefits associated with androgens, such as minimal risk of unwanted side effects, unless used in extremely large doses. If you live in a region where pine pollen is present, you can purchase cedar pollen from local suppliers or find it online.
Although Masteron is not as powerful as some of the other steroids, it can offer many similar effects while not being as harmful in terms of side effects. We hope this article has helped you understand more about this steroid and help you decide whether to add it to your list of bodybuilding supplements.