Ecdysterone is intended for people leading an active lifestyle.
It promotes testosterone production, recovery, lean muscle mass gain and contains a full spectrum of vitamins.
Ecdysterone Mega is a Russian ecdysterone with a much higher concentration for more protein absorption and muscle mass gain. A natural compound of steroid structure, isolated from roots and rhizomes of Leuzea and enriched with a complex of vitamins (vitamins C, B1, E, B2, B6, A, D3, folic acid, niacin) in an optimal dose. This is one of the strongest dietary supplements on the world market, an all-natural formula for more protein synthesis and recovery during heavy training. It has a pronounced anabolic (muscle-building) and anticatabolic (muscle-preserving) effect. This cutting-edge product can be found only in GYM DEVIL ... INDICATIONS FOR USE: For people subjected to severe physical and mental stress in everyday life, it has been proven as a prophylactic agent. In medicine: - prevention of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections - toning in asthenic and astheno-depressive states associated with the weakening of protein synthesis processes. - in case of prolonged intoxication, infections, neurasthenia, neurosis, hypotension. - in the postoperative period, to accelerate protein synthesis processes and stimulate the immune system. In sports: - for accelerated growth of muscle mass, - significantly accelerating recovery after any type of training, - increasing muscle strength, - to increase speed-strength indicators, - during intensive training to help the cardiovascular system, - for more endurance and reducing cortisol and catabolic processes in the muscles, - more nitric oxide and pumping, - antioxidant effect and protection from free radicals, - improved functioning of the CNS and better impulses to the muscles, - reducing cholesterol. The complex of vitamins added to the composition of the dietary supplement complements and enhances the action of ecdysterone, thus increasing its absorption. Despite its structural similarity to steroid compounds, it does not have hormone-like properties and, accordingly, has no side effects. Description of the action of the added vitamin complex: Vitamins C and A (retinol) are directly involved in the synthesis of steroid hormones (including testosterone), catecholamines, procollagen and collagen, improve reproductive processes, significantly increase physical activity, accelerate protein synthesis in the body, stabilize cell membranes and increase the body's resistance to extreme conditions, and also have anti-sclerotic and anticancer effects. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is necessary for the oxidative decarboxylation of ketoacids (pyruvic and lactic), synthesis of acetylcholine, participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates and energy, fats, proteins, water-salt metabolism associated with it, has a regulatory effect on trophism and the nervous system. Thiamine acts as an antioxidant, improves blood circulation and is involved in blood formation. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) enhances metabolic processes in the body, participates in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Riboflavin is necessary for the formation of red blood cells and antibodies, for cellular respiration and growth. It facilitates the absorption of oxygen by skin, nail and hair cells. One of the most valuable qualities of riboflavin is its ability to accelerate the conversion of pyridoxine - vitamin B6 - into its active form in the body. Vitamin E (tocopherol) protects cells from damage by slowing down the oxidation of lipids (fats) and the formation of free radicals. It protects other fat-soluble vitamins from being destroyed by oxygen, promotes the absorption of vitamin A. Vitamin E slows down aging, can prevent the appearance of senile pigmentation and is involved in the formation of collagen and elastic fibers of the intercellular substance. Tocopherol prevents increased blood clotting, has a positive effect on peripheral blood circulation, is involved in the biosynthesis of heme and proteins, cell proliferation, and the formation of gonadotropins. Supports potency, the reproductive system as a whole and spermatogenesis. Vitamin D3 is involved in the regulation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism, increases the absorption of calcium and phosphates in the intestine (by increasing the permeability of cell and mitochondrial membranes of the intestinal epithelium) and their reabsorption in the renal tubules; promotes bone mineralization, strengthens the ossification process, is necessary for the normal functioning of the parathyroid glands. Folic acid is actively involved in the regulation of the functions of the hematopoietic organs. It also has a positive effect on the functions of the intestines and liver, increases the content of in the liver and prevents its fatty infiltration. Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) is a component of the B-complex, which is crucial for energy production. It participates in a number of reactions during which sugar and fats are converted into energy necessary for the metabolism of amino acids and is involved in the conversion of fats into eicosanoids. A new drug has appeared on the market for dietary supplements - Ecdisteron. Ecdysterone is the next step in the development of Ecdisten. Ecdysterone began to be developed after the mechanism of action of Ecdysten on athletes, their nutritional requirements and its effect in fitness and weight training was fully studied. The spectrum of action of ecdysterone on the body is very wide, but we are most interested in the ability (similar to the well-known steroid Methandrostenolone, known as Methane) to activate the processes of protein synthesis in the body and especially in muscle tissue (it binds to receptors in the cell nucleus, where it is activated with cytoplasmic receptors in the cell nucleus, where the synthesis of nucleic acids is activated, which in turn activate the biosynthesis of proteins). However, ecdysterone does not possess the inherent effects of methandrostenolone: androgenic, thymolytic, antigonadotropic, etc., which allows the use of this dietary supplement in women and children. Ecdysterone has a positive effect on both protein and carbohydrate-phosphorus, as well as lipid metabolism. Under its influence, the accumulation of glycogen and high-energy phosphorus compounds (ATP and creatine phosphate) in organs and tissues is observed, and a clear hypocholesterolemic and hypotriglyceridemic effect is observed. Ecdysterone is a natural herbal preparation that is obtained by treating the rhizomes of the saffron flower of Leuzea. It is in the roots of Leuzea that the content of ecdysterone is maximum. in scientific tests conducted Ecdisterone MEGA to a greater extent than any similar preparation taken without injection, increases the endurance of athletes and during prolonged loads. SN Portugalalov et al. (1993, 1997) found that the antioxidant properties of combined drugs (including plant adaptogens) intended for athletes are enhanced by the inclusion of vitamins (alpha-tocopherol, ascorbic acid, beta-carotene). Ecdisteron MEGA has a wide range of applications - from beginners to professional athletes. Adding various vitamins to ecdysterone enhances the positive effect of its intake. Ecdysterone Mega is intended for people leading an active lifestyle. It promotes the production of testosterone, contains a full complex of vitamins, improves the immune system, resistance and endurance of the body under stress and heavy loads. Enhances recovery. How to take: 3 times 2 tablets 30-40 minutes before meals (before breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack), a total of 6 tablets per day, regardless of training or not. The recommended dose for women is 2 tablets per day. Packaging: 200 tablets. Composition in a tablet: Vitamin A - 0.1 mg, Vitamin D3 - 0.3 mcg, Vitamin E - 0.8 mg, Niacin - 1.6 mg, Folic acid - 30 mcg, Vitamin B1 - 0.8 mg, Vitamin B2 - 0.5 mg, Vitamin B6 - 0.85 mg, Vitamin B12 - 0.3 mcg, Vitamin C - 10 mg, Ecdysterone - 2.5 mg. Ecdysteron MEGA is also recommended for people leading an active lifestyle, engaged in fitness, aerobics, dancing, yoga, as well as for anyone who has heavy physical work. Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the product, hypertension, arrhythmia, increased nervous irritability, mental anxiety, insomnia, hyperkinesis, allergies, epilepsy, acute infectious diseases, alcoholism, contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.